Fleiger Conrad



1 day                                                    12 days                                            3 weeks                                                  5 weeks


Hi y'all!  I started out life as "little boy orange", but now I'm Conrad!  Or, Legacy's Fleiger Conrad, if you want to get fancy.  My human Mom got to know me from as soon as I was born.  But she didn't know I was hers until I was 7 weeks old.  I'm a go-getter!  And I don't make any bones about it - I shout it to the world.  Ruff-ruff-ruff-ruff-ruff-ruff-ruff.  Everything gets done with enthusiasm if I'm doing it.  Mom's getting sorta tired of my motor-mouth - she's threatening a laryngetomy, whatever that is.  Oh,well.....


There'll be more stuff here later, but for now.....

this is a picture of me graduating from Puppy Obedience Class. I was only 4 1/2 months old. The class was sorta fun 'cause four of the six of us from the litter were in it, and our sister would come and visit us, too.  These people sure have some funny ideas about what doggies should and shouldn't do.